



2024-07-19 04:16:57 来源:网络


go through造句??
1🐦♥——🥀、Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour🌱😄||🐌,flavour and texture🦅|——*。经过工厂加工的食品会失去许多色泽🤭|🌎、味道和质地🌳|😒。2🦃||♟🌥、Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you🐗🐦_|🪴,it's a stage they go through🐒——-🐉。宝宝不肯离开你别担心*🦚_😄,他们总要经过这个阶段🦄*_——🐅🐝。3🎈🐫|🌧、The 还有呢?
7🐯🐕|🦁、I don't ever want to go through anything like that again.我不想再经历那样的事了🥈🌨——🧿🪴。8🦢——😂🎖、Do I need to go through my doctor or can I make an appointment direct?我必须经过我的医生呢🏈|🪆,还是可以直接预约?9🦎🎱-_🐪🌍、Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women.男人和女人一等我继续说🐚🙈-|🦆🐐。


Go through the door on your right and into the office.穿过右边门到办公室去😅*‍❄————🐵🛷。
go through英语造句??
I have gone through the hard time in my life.(我度过了人生中的艰难时刻)望采纳🦕☀️_🌍🦏,
1.They went through our luggage at the customs.海关人员仔细检查了我们的行李🪄-🐤🪢。2.It is necessary to set down these additional rules.有必要制定这些补充规则🍀*__🌴。3.He set me down in a comfortable chair.他让我坐在一张舒适的椅子里☘🐜——|🐈。4. The post office will issue a series of new stamps到此结束了?😀——-🦥。
用“go through”造句并指出主谓宾。??
Every night, they (主语)go through(谓语)the same routine(宾语) he throws open the bedroom window, she closes it.go through 英[ɡəu θru:] 美[ɡo θru](法律🤧🦌|_🦛、合同等正式)通过♟☀️_🎴;用完*——🐑;检查🐳🎁——💀;完成😌🎭-|🎃。主谓宾主谓宾🐪🌺__🦥,一种文法的表达方式🌛😂-——🌥。语法顺序为为主语—谓语—..
1.一般过去式She went through hard life in her childhood.她童年时期经历了困苦的生活🐚——🐟🐋。2.现在进行时At present, China is going through a period of enormous personal and sexual freedom.当前🦇——😺🦃,中国正处于个人与性都有很大自由的时代🥌_——🥊🌝。3.现在完成时(不说“现在过去式”)The computer has 等会说🎋🎊_🦡🥌。
1. I toured through Europe last summer.去年夏天我周游了欧洲😩——🤖🐪。2. Can the table go through the door?这张桌子能过得了那扇门吗?3. They hewed a path through the jungle.他们在丛林中开辟出一条路🦘_🐼。
goverment:The Tai goverment got into trouble.泰国政府陷入了麻烦go through:You can see the house after going through the tunnel.穿过隧道你就可以看到那个房子了🐨🐭||🐣🦌。orbit:The satellite was launched into orbit.卫星被发射进入轨道flight:He has 10 years flight experience.他有10年的飞行经验l等会说🐐😿-🌳🕊。